Bond’s Birthday week!

lighted candles on cupcakes

Photo by Pixabay on

When Bond and I met I was a major birthday diva and he found this a comical thing that he didn’t really understand.  My family go HUGE for birthdays, they love to celebrate and make a big fuss.  His family are more laid back about the whole thing.  6 years on and I have been usurped, the birthday diva of the family now is most certainly BOND!

black calendar close up composition

Photo by Pixabay on

This year he announced he would have a birthday week, this was so important we had to stay up till midnight to say ‘Happy Birthday week’. The morning of his big day he had a croissant in bed with candles and icing, in the afternoon he had another cake and then in the evening I cooked lamb chops at his request.  Then he made the foolish mistake of travelling which robbed him of two days of his birthday ‘week’.  On his return we had more cake and candles and yet more of my culinary prowess – again at his request…since he discovered that I can cook even though I hate it he has been finding ways to get me back at the oven!!

Image result for mont des arts sunsetFor the real celebration I booked dinner out at a great restaurant with a fab view so we could enjoy sunset while we ate.  KWINT has a fabulous view over Mont des Arts which is meant to be the site of the best sunsets in Brussels. On arriving at the restaurant they told us they had no gas and thus no food!!  Anyway we rallied, had a cocktail and watched sunset and then headed to another spot for dinner which worked out really well in the end. I am lucky that Bond is a good sport and didn’t get upset that the original plan didn’t work!

Au Vieux Saint Martin was fantastic, great and well made proper Belgian food with fabulous service and in a great location.  We had a lovely time and enjoyed eating good hearty food before walking home.  I would thoroughly recommend it, their Flamant stew was especially good!

For the rest of the weekend every meal had candles and then on Sunday negotiations were attempted for an extra two days to make up for the one he missed out on!  These failed I am sorry to say…we were out of cake and candles!

happiness is a piece of cake close up photography

Photo by Antonio Quagliata on

C25K and a whole heap of working out!

613cc57f12bf960377d6424a5ab99043I am sorry I got rather behind in my C25K updates because I got a TAD obsessed with stalking Bond during the MDS.  He has however finished it now so I can get back to my blog!

Before the C25K update though a quick MDS chat…Bond managed to come in the top third which is incredible!!  I spoke to him last night and he sounded very relieved that it was over and very excited to come home!  It was lovely to hear his voice, I couldn’t believe how much I had missed his dulcet tones.  Now I am counting down till he gets back so he can tell me all about it over a glass of champagne.  Also I am going to try to persuade him to write a guest post so you can see what it was like from the horses mouth…apparently he took photos and videos too so that might be worth a look!

Now back to the C25K!!  I completed week 2 day 2 and although I found it a challenge I did get through it.  I was alone again as Nat was still with her parents.  However my colleagues were on full motivational form which was great.  I pumped up my tunes and just got down to it.  I am really enjoying it now, even when it gets tough I love the sense of achievement when it’s done. Now the error I made was getting chatting to a colleague and not doing my stretch off…something I REALLY regretted when it came to yoga the next day…it was BRUTAL as my muscles felt really tight.  Still I stuck with Adriene and got through it and felt great afterwards.


Having found a new liking of yoga and an instructor who makes it doable I have decided to do her ’30 days of yoga’ and I am on day 4 so far and it’s going well.  Some of it is really hard but Adriene shows ‘alternative’ moves for beginners which is great.  I can feel my muscles working which motivates me to keep going even when it’s tough and I am not sore afterwards so I am able to get back to it every day.

File_003(2)On top of all the yoga and C25King I also went for a long walk on the beach with my friend who is visiting.  It was really lovely to get out and enjoy the beach although the wind was a bit tough.  Still we caught the sunset which was gorgeous and had a really good chat.  There is something about being in nature that just makes you relax somehow.  I haven’t been to Kite beach before and it’s gorgeous.  I will have to go back more often for a walk.

All in all my new health kick is going well – if only I could really stick to a good diet I would be a new woman…curse my love of cake and all things naughty!!