Getting more techy!

So I love writing my blog and reading other people’s – it gives me a lot of pleasure to learn about new people and their lives.  I also love to hear from my regular readers, thank you all!

Now however I really want to get more involved in the blog community and also make my blog look more special.  I just have no idea where to begin…

To this end I wondered if those of you who are more adept may be able to help me out?

1) Photoshop – how does that work?  I love other people’s cool headers and logos and would love to do the same.  It would be great to learn how to do more of this?

2)  Linky’s – how do you join a linky or set one up?  I like the idea of getting inspiration for posts and also finding new blogs.

3)  Any other tech things that I don’t know about and that you think are great please tell me about them!!   I am eager to learn!!

Thank you in advance for anyone who helps me/offers suggestions!!

18 thoughts on “Getting more techy!

  1. Mother Mands says:

    You’re hosted with WordPress? So you are a little more limited, but you can still do a fair bit of customisation, especially by adding your own personality by creating your own logo (if you are struggling I’ll happily do one for you, I love messing about in photoshop).

    Photoshop is a fairly steep learning curve, but not impossible if you have plenty of free time to sit watching tutorials on youTube. It’s just practise and perseverance, that’s all I did. There are a lot of free programs to get you started with image editing, I think Tara uses a good one (can’t remember what it’s called).
    I might start doing a few basic tutorials on my blog, we should be getting a new computer soon, so I could do videos too, and you can listen to my ‘common’ voice babbling on 😀 Haa!

    Linky’s are really easy to join, just a minute…here, CuddleFairy has a good little giude: but if you get stuck just holler! Some linkys don’t have the code for the badge you want to add to your post, it means you have to right click and download the badge, save it to your computer, then upload it to your server. You can simply add a link to it in your editor.

    Well that’s just a bit for starters, I’m no expert, especially when it comes to actual blogging, but I do know a fair bit about photoshop, images, etc and a bit of code.


    • widerangingramblings says:

      I am hosted with WordPress, I don’t know how to do anything else…though I suspect I would be better off if i self-hosted. I would be SO grateful for a Logo, I literally have no idea where to begin and I do think it would make the whole thing look better! Your blog is definitely one that inspired me to want to do more with mine!

      Bond has photoshop now but I had a look and it’s definitely intimidating! I will have to check out youtube, thanks for the tip. I will have to ask Tara what software she is using, it would be good to start with a freebie just to get to grips with it. I would LOVE to watch your videos, it would be way easier to learn from someone I feel I sort of know!

      Thanks for the Linky help – I am going to go and check it out now. I will be sure to let you know how I get on!!

      Thank you so much for this, I am so grateful for you taking the time and for all your help!! xxx


  2. Tara says:

    I use which a fellow blogger introduced me to. It is mostly free (if you want to use some of their photos or graphics they cost $1 each but you can upload your own and many are free) and really simple (even I can use it) to make my logo and my main images. Before that I used (and still use it sometimes) to add borders, text and little graphics (although you can do this in Canva too).

    Linkys are great. I only take part in My Sunday Photo (run by One Dad 3 Girls) and occasionally Animal Tales ( I would like to do more but I never have time to comment properly which makes me sad.

    Exciting times. I hope you have fun 🙂


    • widerangingramblings says:

      I will have to check out and – thank you for telling me about them, they sound great! I like the idea of having borders, text and graphics – would make the blog pop a bit more! I need to find a linky that works for me and get involved. Would be good to help give me something to write about on days I want to write, but don’t feel inspired! The My Sunday Photo looks great but I work on Sundays unfortunately! xx


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